
Bureau of Inspection and Complaints Office
Inspection management, performance survey, and pursuit of complaints are considered as operational management at this university and are directly done by the dean of a university in three areas of evaluating performances, inspecting subordinate sections of university and pursuit of complaints related to different services offered in those sections.
Toward an observing role, this management system controls and evaluates all performances and activities done by subordinate section and affiliated institutions of the university directly and indirectly so after expert examining and finding suitable strategies to solve the problems, survey reports will be presented to the dean of university or relevant vice-deans to receive advising comments.
Due to current rules, this bureau is in direct contact with the head office of performance survey and office of complaints in the Ministry of Health and Medical Education and also with the head office of inspection in Qom province. In some cases, several reports may be sent to concerned authorities for amendment of regulations or identifying contradictions.
Contact us:
Tel: +98 25 310 712 75
Adress: First floor, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Shahid Lavasani street, Qom, Iran