Spiritual Health Research Center
Health is considered as a multidimensional concept. Therefore analyzing its components and related issues must be based on a deep insight into the human dimensions. Spiritual Health has been globally regarded as the fourth dimension of health in recent decades, attracting the attention of a number of health professionals as an emerging field of study. The growing scientific literature on spiritual health is indicative of its increasing importance among researchers.
Based on their anthropological worldview, experts have provided a variety of definitions for this dimension of health; with little or no consensus on the definition of Spiritual Health. However, the following definitions can be mentioned.
Spirituality is defined "as a dimension of human being that guides him towards his transcendence, which is closeness to Allah. The purposefulness of life, bearing difficulties in life, establishing relationships with the creator, the universe, and other creatures in this universe are the consequences of developing this dimension of human existence. The peace and life satisfaction is remarkable, which emerges pursuant to promote and respect spirituality in people’s lives". Spirituality helps people "in coping with stress and illness. It also affects their behavior towards Complications of disease and even their adherence to the treatment".
"Spiritual Health is the enjoyment of a sense of acceptance, positive feelings, morality, and an affirmative sense of mutual interaction with a holy superior power, other people and oneself, which is achieved through a dynamic, and synchronized process in personal Cognitive, emotional, practical and consequential aspects".
Previous studies and evidences show a dramatic increase in physical, mental, and psychosocial diseases especially in modern societies. Spiritual health affects all aspects of health; it not only prevents the development of various diseases, but also plays a significant role in healing them. In addition, spiritual health provides conditions to promote the health of family and society members at every age group.
Nevertheless, it is unfortunate to confess that the health system has not seriously addressed this issue yet. Therefore, the necessity to formulate a comprehensive plan for the institutionalization of Spiritual Health in the health system is clearly evident, a process which must take to account all three cognitive, emotional and psycho-motor areas.
Considering the integrity of Islam and the multidimensionality of the concept of health in Islamic perspective, and especially the pure Islam derived from the teachings of revelation and the lasting legacy of the infallibles (AS), doubles the importance of addressing the spiritual domain in our country. Hence, it is expected that the scholars' community of the country will have a pioneering and leading role in this field.
Spiritual Health Research Center (SHRC) is a research center under the supervision of Qom University of Medical Sciences and the first research center for Spiritual Health in the country. This center aims to provide essential content for the institutionalization of spiritual health in the health system through the use of Islamic teachings as the most important source of knowledge that are valuable treasures of spiritual well-being.
Main priorities for research and collaboration:
-Identification and categorization of theoretical and practical centers and leading researchers and Spiritual Health activists in four levels (Global, Regional, Islamic countries and National) for the establishment of a Spiritual Health Network;
-Developing a series of educational reference books in Spiritual Health appropriate for the target groups: (Faculty members, specialists, managers, nurses and healthcare providers and the general public);
-Developing a training curriculum and reference book for health students with a (religious, indigenous, problem-based, systematic, social approach);
-To identify and characterize the scientific and practical characteristics of the Spiritual Health professionals;
-Spiritual Health Foresight;
-Environmental health surveillance based on spiritual health indicators
Dr Shams, Director of International Affairs, announced that Qom University of Medical Sciences is accredited by the Ministry of Health and Medical Education for MSc. in physiology.
1403/08/20با انتخاب حالت کوررنگی تصاویر این وبسایت متناسب با حالت کوررنگی شما بهینه می شود
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